Maddy Caro
New Zealand
Sep 21, 2018

There’s an App for That!

There’s an App for That!

The New Zealand Food Safety team has been hearing that some councils and verifiers are concerned about food businesses using digital Food Control Plans (FCPs) and record keeping.

We have heard some councils and verifiers are advising food businesses to “use MPI's free online information as no app is up to standard”, “you can only use paper”, or that “no app meets the requirements”.


We are completely comfortable with food businesses or third parties digitising our templates and guidance (which is permitted under our copyright licence as long as they acknowledge the source). If a digital template Food Control Plan (FCP) helps a food business meet its food safety requirements, we’re all for it!

For more information:

MPI Food News September 2018



Ministry for Primary Industries
Telephone 0800 008 333

About the author

Maddy Caro

Sales Executive / Team Lead

Arts degree, an acting diploma. A rising star of our sales team, Maddy, proves every day that it's not about ego, testosterone or bluster, it is all about empathy, passion and attention to detail. Maddy's keen intellect, inquisitive style, and engaging communications gives our clients a strong internal advocate. Maddy takes the term digital natives to another level, making the software work for her customers.

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